RaspMatic + HomeMatic (IP)
Some time ago I bought a Raspberry Pi 3B with the RPI-RF-MOD extension module and the corresponding case. It’s also possible to buy all in a set: Buy link (I am not affiliated). There is an image available that works like a charm for this setup, whcih can be found here. Multiple models are supported, so make sure you download the correct release.
First Installation of OpenHAB2 and Homematic CCU2
OpenHAB supports a lot of different “bindings”, i.e., Hardware and Protocol solutions implemented by different companies. I started my home automation project with the Homematic binding. There are two tutorials I follow (german only):
Home automation
I am currently looking into openHAB for a possible solution for our home automation. I do have an unused laptop that could easily be used for this.
Render a video from a series of images
Maintained by the libav group there is a great tool called avconv. Every time I had to convert some video format to another avconv worked for me. This included being able to convert mp4 to (good quality) wmv or creating a video out of a series of images.
Simulated Inertial Measurement Unit (IMU)
[mathjax]The topic of my “Diplomarbeit” (comparable to a master thesis) was the design and implementation of a simulation environment that would allow to simulate multiple quadrotors.
ps2pdf converter
converting ps or eps files to pdf always left me with the wrong cropping of the image/page and with a white border that messes up the formatiing. To avoid this I convert the files using the following command:
Backup of Google Authenticator data
In case to got a new phone and want to move the Google Authenticator you will need to move the secrets from all the sites you added to the app. Or you are just curious what is actually being stored on your phone :-)
Arduino Pro Micro issues
I just spent at least two hours trying to figure out how to get the Arduino Pro Micro running again. I will spare you the details of how I figured out what to do, so here is the solution:
Reading RC Receiver values (version 2)
Pitot tube
Some time ago I wrote something about getting a cheap GPS receiver, a cheap AHRS, and how to read values from a RC receiver. All those tools can be put together to control an autonomous vehicle of some sorts. If the vehicle is a small ground robot nothing more is needed, except the vehicle itself, of course.I do not own anything that is capable of driving around outdoors, but I do own a small airplane.
As a Christmas present I got a very nice tool for my Canon 20D from my parents. Its the “Meike Battery Grip for Canon 20D” and besides holding two batteries or 9 AA batteries, it has a set off really nice additional features. It comes with a build-in clock and a IR receiver so you can take images with a remote control. It is really well built and feels nice when connected to the camera, as if its a natural part of the camera!
e-paper display
I recently bought an e-paper display with a 2.7” screen size distributed by Embedded Artists. Since it does not consume any power between updates it is perfect to display status information for any kind of embedded technology. Since I am quite the Arduino fan my plan was to hook it up to one of them and simply use an existing software library to interface it. (Update available)(second Update)
Reading RC Receiver values
AHRS anyone?
Small and cheap GPS
Hi everybody,
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